
Washington Prescribed Burn Associations

Burning together is better! Prescribed Burn Associations know that beneficial fire is a powerful tool and we shouldn’t go at it alone. This website is a resource for landowners, community members, PBAs, and anyone interested in prescribed fire in Washington state. Here, you can find resources and information on implementing prescribed burns and ways to connect to your local Prescribed Burn Association.

Interested in burning?


Prescribed fire can be used to reduce risk of future wildfires and restore resilience in fire-adapted ecosystems, but it requires experience and skill to use safely and effectively. Get a better understanding of what it takes to implement a prescribed burn and get access to resources and training to build your knowledge.

What Are PBAs?

Prescribed Burn Associations (PBAs) help landowners and other community members conduct prescribed burns by creating a network of local burners,  pooling resources, equipment, and people, and providing essential training and education.


Connect to Washington PBAs


Ready to get involved? PBAs thrive off the support of their members and their contributions of time, resources, and knowledge. Find your local PBA, get assistance with burning your own property, and help others do the same.